Want to strengthen and grow in your marriage the way God intended? Three Strands Couples Ministry is here for you. We meet on the fourth Friday of every month. There is a cost of $10 per couple. Please sign up in the link below so we can prepare for food purposes.


Another great Family night is coming soon!  Bethel’s Got Talent is always a highlight of the year and we want you in the show!  Whatever talent God has given you, it’s time for you to shine!  Sign up today in the link below to be added to the line up!

The best highlight of the year for us is coming on Aug. 25!  It’s our annual Beach BBQ and Baptism. Every year we head on down to Mission Bay and get to witness those who want to make a public confession of their faith and follow Jesus in Water Baptism. It’s such a great day and you won’t want to miss it! 

If you would like to  get Baptized and/or bring something for the potluck BBQ  please sign up in the link below.